About Us
Pivot Sciedit is a professional editorial team comprising internationally known scientists, experienced language editors, and senior journal editors.  
Our team includes:
Science Experts
Respected scholars from internationally recognized research institutes, who are research-active and have good publication records.
Language Experts
Native English-speaking researchers with a PhD degree and at least 5-years experience of editing scientific manuscripts authored by non-native English-speaking authors.
Editorial Experts
Senior editors with more than 10 years publishing experience in internationally renowned journals and who are familiar with academic publishing process and publishing strategies.

We are familiar with each stage of the scholarly publishing chain and committed to providing authors and publishers with professional first-class editorial services, thereby optimizing the academic publishing process and enhancing its overall efficiency.

We assist authors in avoiding common difficulties in getting published. Before manuscript is submitted, we help authors to improve their manuscript comprehensively in terms of academic level, language expression, research ethics, formatting, etc., thereby effectively shortening manuscript processing time and maximizing the probability of publication;

With a strong professional team, we support international journal publishers in their publication process, and aim to provide optimal solutions and technical support for the establishment, development and promotion of their journals and publishing platforms.

We focus on the specific needs of our clients, designing personalized services for them, in order to optimize the efficiency of academic publishing.